Thank you for being willing to consider uploading your DNA to GEDmatch and FamilyTreeDNA, the two companies that assist with the valuable work of identifying victims, etc. If you have already tested at one of the major companies, it is FREE to take the next step and upload to those 2 sites. See below for instructions. The Bear Brook Case (behind the scenes) Step 1: Download your DNA from whichever company you tested at (see below for DOWNLOAD directions for doing this at 4 major companies) and save it to your computer. Step 2: Upload your DNA from your computer to GEDmatch and FamilyTreeDNA (see bottom of page for UPLOAD directions) These instructions were updated January 2021 and written while using a laptop. The process may look slightly different on other devices. DOWNLOADING Downloading from Ancestry: 1. Sign in to your account at . On the home page, click on "DNA" on the bar at the top of your page. If you have l